Sunday, January 2, 2011

Two Week Holiday was a success!

Damn, I wish i could go back. Those two weeks in KL and Melbourne was worth the nauseating flights.

I mean, seriously. The first four days in KL, we shopped till' we dropped- Literally. I nearly collapse on the couch by the time we got home. Then we went off to Melbourne.

Hoo boy, way too many things to say about Melbourne. First off, It was summer so we brought warm and short-sleeved clothing. BUT IT WAS DAMN FREAKIN' COLD! It was like my room air-conditioning times two. Which is alot... o3o;;;

But even though it was cold, my ears were always burning hot! I'm serious. I dont know why, but there's something retarded with my ears. o_o

They always go hot- And i dont know the reason why. It's not just like the outward is hot. It's like its hot from the inside out, i could feel the heat and it kills me! But the good thing is, Aunty Lydia's hands are always cold- and i mean ALWAYS- so she could just place her hands on my ear and wooppp, the ice melts. But it doesn't stop burning though. -.-

Ahaha, well. Let's see. the first day in Melbourne i had to follow my brother and sister who lives in Melbourne to their practice session because im a little guest rapper in their gig that night. I was rapping Love The Way You Lie by eminem and Rihanna. :D

Besides that, I got to see TanTon (Tania's her real name. :p) my ultimately most favorite cousin of all time! She's just damn adorable >3<

So we went to the Melbourne museum, the aquarium (Penguins were adorableeee <3). But it was the rich food that made us want to stay Xp Their food is BEYOND AWESOME! I mean, literally. The lamb melts in your mouth! The lamb!

And then we went back to KL for another four days. TanTon, Bimbo Giraffe (Bell) and I went to Sunway Lagoon AND Ice skating 8D

Sunway Lagoon was EPIC. . . . Okay, not really. D: It was my first time on a roller-coaster so i was scared to death! And besides the roller-coaster, Bella made me go on this ride called the G-Force where they sling you right up into the sky and the ball you're sitting in turns round and round and round. Oh god, they said it was the highest slingshot in Asia. :|

Then we went to this Scream Park thing where its all dark. It's something like a Haunted House- except it's a maze. It was pretty scary for me, considering i'm a total scaredy-cat in these type of things. Bell didn't even scream once... What a buzzkill -.-

But it was alright. All in all, i think my most regretful moment was in the skating rink. TanTon kept wanting to skate with Bell just because she's the better skater D:

But that's not the regretful part. During our second day at the ice rink, there were these few girls skating. They were in training with a trainer right in the middle of the rink. And one of those girls... Well let's just say i haven't felt a feeling like that in ages until i saw her.

I won't call it love- I mean of course not, i didn't even know the girl. But it was SOMETHING. I just dont know what.

I call her the ice skater with the red shirt. Damn, i swear to god that i'll never forget it. Even though it's probably nothing. :p

I never did talk to her... nor saw her again. But just the memory of being in the same rink as her is brighter enough to outshine most of my other memories. CX

But anyways, that's just cliche sooo... 8D

C: that's all i'mma share with yo' peops (Well, that was lame Xp)

Social Wannabe says,

<-- Outside Sunway Lagoon. Left is Belle, middle is me (I look weird D:) and right is TanTon <3

Just Kick Nelson + Special guest rapper in Love The Way You Lie

Check it out ;p

Your little social wannabe got a little gig 8D -shot-

Okay, so i was asked by my siblings. CX

Enjoy and please comment :D