Friday, February 25, 2011

Bitch say whut~

So I dont like people insulting on me. Or my profile. Or my page. Or me in general.

So haters,


You don't know me- don't suspect something that might just kill a person.

So bitch, puh-lease.


I am NOT encouraging you to insult people, I'm just saying- You are a coward and a bully. No one likes you. So shit you.

You know who you are


Social Wannabe.

Update 0.2


I know I haven't been updating this blog at all lately.

But what with a new year, new start and everything I've just been really busy. Like friend drama, love drama and. . . Well, basically average new-teen drama.

I'll tell ya' guys all about it later though.

Right now I wanna apologize and tell you what's been happening socially.

First off,

I've been back on dA and trying to be active for awhile now~ So that's good. Drawings and stories (fanfics) will be submitted so yeah C8

Besides that, I've been trying to post more videos for youtube :D Because you know.. I want people to see how I sing ^^

But I have a totally uncool high-pitched voice -shot-

Okay, now on to the drama C: Of course I'm gonna start of with Love Drama.

Well honestly, let's call this my friend's troubles ~

He has a HUGE crush on this girl. But she definitely doesn't like him back for reasons obvious to everyone. So he doesn't know what to do. Not only that, but he also likes this other girl that he met on this online website or something. He's known her for awhile now and they've been skype-ing for a really long time.
With the help of his friends (Im one of them :D), he managed to confess his feelings to her and they start going out.
But he feels guilty cause,

He's still in love with the first person. And he feels as if he's just using the second one to forget about the first. But it's impossible cause he sees her everyday in his school.

I'm not asking for advice, cause it's obvious he needs to get his feelings straightened out before taking action.

I'm telling ya' guys this juicy gossip that isn't really juicy but I just want to do this for Social Wannabe's sake~

Hah, anyways-

Friend gossip. Cue the gasps. -smiles-

Okay, there's quite a lot of new people in my class. And one of them, let's just call her 'Eighteen' for some weird reason. (:

Anyways, Eighteen and I seemed really similar. We have somewhat the same name, we have somewhat the same hobbies- and she somewhat has a 'relative that look/smells and talks like me' not that I really believe that.

I don't know. She seems alright. My friends and I just think she's a liar. I know, how can I just assume that of someone? I don't know. You guys may think I'm just jealous of her~ So maybe I am. . . . But why would I be anyways ?

She claims she drew these drawings on the computer when my friends have seen it all around the internet years long before. And I started thinking of how many secrets this girl might be hiding,

Yes I know everyone has secrets but-
Even I have my few shares~


Stuff like this, lying about talent and taking advantage of that with your popularity, is a little bit over-doing it, isn't it?

I guess, yes, people have done it loads of times, BUT this is different. This girl has a chance to start off fresh. Eighteen can hang with The Losers and be awesome.

But instead she just chose the wrong path.

And now most of my friends hate her.

BLEH. There's another new girl in my class, let's call this one 'Maroon' because of reasons uncertain. Anyways, she's aight'- She's newer and.. so I dont really know her much.

But she's hanging out with Eighteen and her 'leader' lets call her 'Vampire'~



Maroon has been hanging out with Eighteen and Vampire. It's sad because she has a chance to be cool too~

Instead she chooses the wrong path. -rolls eyes-

What's with these people ?

Okay, besides that, I got basic average new-teen drama.

For one,

. . . . . . . . . . .

Well my friend that has that love drama thing is being hated. . . BY THE FIRST GIRL HE LIKED -shot-

I'm just being random. But anyways, you get my point. And this is probably enough for an update. I'll type more soon~

Da Awesome, OUT.

Lots of Luck,

Social Wannabe.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I know I haven't been updating lately.

And I am terribly sorry!

But I've just been really busy~

I'll try update more thou~