Monday, November 29, 2010

SocialWannabeSays : im bored. Xp

Heyy guys,

I'm at a party now. But problem is, boredom is my only friend here. My mum coincidentally told us that my uncle's having a party at his rock-climbing place (btw, yes I rock-climb C:) where a party is going on.

Turns out, the party is basically a few 20+ people -friends, families and workers- gathered here. My mum had to like, run off to her dancing class. Now she' here, after an hour and a half. Bell (my annoying older sister) is with my cousin, gossiping and whatever, with Rus
s (my dog). While I'm sitting alone with a pink-covered phone (Bell's blackberry) and a new book that I find really interesting.

So I'm bored, as I said. I practically went to fb more than 50 times, and tried to sort out my messages on dA, but Bell's blackberry isn't that much fun. Sooo...

That's is I guess. Bye. C:


Friday, November 26, 2010

The Walking Dead

OMG, the series is EPIC.

When i saw Lori cheating on the main character guy, i instantly went pissed. I know, she thinks he's dead and all but seriously.


OMG, the girl died! The girl that i totally forgotten the name of died! The younger sister to that blond girl- DAMNIT. I kinda liked her :( She was epic, and so was the sister.

Damn, it scared me when suddenly all the zombies appeared out of nowhere and started attacking the people. Then suddenly Jim was like, 'I remember my dream now.'

DUDE. Remember things better and start savin' lives!

And seriously, he can dream the future? That's epic- Cliche, but EPIC. >)

*End of Spoiler*

Okay, I find the series very frightening and scary because every night after i watch it i imagine what it's like to be in a zombie apocalypse- with all them zombies trying to kill you. -shudder-

SO yeah, not much to say now except that if you haven't watched the series, i definitely suggest you to go watch it - because it is EPIC, but scary. C: -shot-


First Post

Yeah, so just recently i've been watching people go on tumblr and facebook and decided 'why not take another chance at blogger?'

Why? Because i get bored occasionally and need something to type about, and in this case- It's my life.

So refer to me as your... humble little story-teller. Hopefully my posts aren't gonna be boring. So my first post, what should i blog about? Hm..

How about my top favorites? I know it's lame, but you came here to learn about me right?

Okay so,

Favorite food : Junkfood - Oh god, im such a glutton.

Favorite songs : Rnb - probably some that are bsang y Taylor Swift CX

Favorite drinks : Cocoa? - Dont mind on the drinks.

Favorite TV Show : OMG, so many. Uh, Glee, How I Met Your Mother, 90210, Gossip Girl, and just way too many - They all ROCK.

Favorite anime : Any that contains yuri in it- Yes im a yuri fan- OH and K-On! <3 -shot-

Favorite quote : I have alot of quotes. But If i really have to choose one, then 'You have to love to be loved' ..... Yeah C:

Favorite word : 'Passion' - I know right Xp

Favorite fictional character : Barney from HIMYM - Whaddup! Xp

Favorite catchphrases that annoy the heck outta old people : Damn straight! Hells yeah! - Im such a cliche. Xp


And i guess that's it 8D -shot again-

Bye ~ !
