Friday, November 26, 2010

First Post

Yeah, so just recently i've been watching people go on tumblr and facebook and decided 'why not take another chance at blogger?'

Why? Because i get bored occasionally and need something to type about, and in this case- It's my life.

So refer to me as your... humble little story-teller. Hopefully my posts aren't gonna be boring. So my first post, what should i blog about? Hm..

How about my top favorites? I know it's lame, but you came here to learn about me right?

Okay so,

Favorite food : Junkfood - Oh god, im such a glutton.

Favorite songs : Rnb - probably some that are bsang y Taylor Swift CX

Favorite drinks : Cocoa? - Dont mind on the drinks.

Favorite TV Show : OMG, so many. Uh, Glee, How I Met Your Mother, 90210, Gossip Girl, and just way too many - They all ROCK.

Favorite anime : Any that contains yuri in it- Yes im a yuri fan- OH and K-On! <3 -shot-

Favorite quote : I have alot of quotes. But If i really have to choose one, then 'You have to love to be loved' ..... Yeah C:

Favorite word : 'Passion' - I know right Xp

Favorite fictional character : Barney from HIMYM - Whaddup! Xp

Favorite catchphrases that annoy the heck outta old people : Damn straight! Hells yeah! - Im such a cliche. Xp


And i guess that's it 8D -shot again-

Bye ~ !


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