Monday, November 29, 2010

SocialWannabeSays : im bored. Xp

Heyy guys,

I'm at a party now. But problem is, boredom is my only friend here. My mum coincidentally told us that my uncle's having a party at his rock-climbing place (btw, yes I rock-climb C:) where a party is going on.

Turns out, the party is basically a few 20+ people -friends, families and workers- gathered here. My mum had to like, run off to her dancing class. Now she' here, after an hour and a half. Bell (my annoying older sister) is with my cousin, gossiping and whatever, with Rus
s (my dog). While I'm sitting alone with a pink-covered phone (Bell's blackberry) and a new book that I find really interesting.

So I'm bored, as I said. I practically went to fb more than 50 times, and tried to sort out my messages on dA, but Bell's blackberry isn't that much fun. Sooo...

That's is I guess. Bye. C:


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