Saturday, December 4, 2010

Life Unexpected

That series is EPIC. C: No really, it is.

I mean, I honestly think Lux is pretty- but also really stubborn and... bad tempered. I also not like her boyfriend, Bug (Dude), because... well, i dont have a reason for not liking the guy with the spider-tatoo on his neck.

Besides that, my comments for this series are all good ones. This series is-

Epic, funny, sensible, dramatic- All the things i think a good drama show should have. Not only does it have high school drama, but grown-up drama too and i respect that.

So i was half expecting a yuri (Look the word up) genre to be in it too. But as always, of course not. If ya' guys didn't know- I absolutely adore yuri.

... No comment. C:

So yeah, that's it. If you guys haven't watched Life Unexpected, i genuinely encourage you to. :p So thanks.


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