Sunday, December 5, 2010

SocialWannabeSays : Crushes.

The reason people get crushes is because you always get crushed by it.

Sure, the chances of your crush liking you back are 50/50. But sometimes the odds are 20 to a 100, and you're just too afraid to admit it.

The whole point of liking someone is to confess. And if you're too 'afraid' of even confession, then screw you (No offense intended).

I mean, get a life.

You're obviously gonna get scorched up in your little obsessed afraid hole and never come out. If you really have a crush on that person, you'll have the balls to confess whether or not you'll get crushed.

The whole point of liking someone is so that the person can know you feel that way- and possibly feel that way right back.

I had an opportunity of a lifetime to confess, but i didn't (Not). Well, okay... i did- to this girl i really like. Twice, actually. But obviously, she didn't feel the same way. And after two years, I've seen her go out with douches as guys- and still she didn't bother to look my way.

But you know what, i don't regret confessing. Cause it's the best thing that i have ever done. At least now, whether she hates or likes me... i know that she knows that i like her. And that's better than keeping it all to myself, it's so much damn better.

So my advice, if you're having a major die-hard crush out there, is to confess. Whether you do it with a secret note, an email or even just face-to-face (Which i find really risky, but good for you!) you have to confess.

Because honestly, i still think there's hope with this girl. She knows who she is, so whoever she likes now is the lucky jackass.

Merry Christmas to you all. :p


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