Sunday, December 5, 2010

SocialWannabeSays : Betrayal.

I dont even know why people do it. I barely know why it exists.

Betrayal, hurts- Even if you deserve it...

I myself, had a betrayal of my own- and it's messing me up; It's been giving me mental breakdowns, it's been keeping me from seeing the real world, it's been pulling me in from what's right in front of me just because i thought that i didn't have any friends.

But i just realized. The whole world's my friend. So what the shit if your best friend turns into your enemy? You got other friends, and if you don't have other friends, you have your family, and if you don't have family- Well, what the shit, why are you even reading my blog? :o (Dude, find a guidance counselor or something. :p)

Betrayal hurts as if a freaking bomb dropped out of the sky and destroyed your whole life- but no. You can change that. Betrayal doesn't have to hurt if you move on fast enough to leave it behind.

It definitely takes time to move on.

But once you have, you'll feel the best you ever had.

Y'see for me, betrayal is the worse thing that could ever happen to a person. A friend i thought i could trust betrayed me- badly. I found something that shook my world like a storm (Not in a good way).

And i felt as if i couldn't breath. I felt so bad that i thought i would rot just like that. But you know what snapped me out of it?

Movies (Surprisingly, lol).

Everything in my freaking universe.

In my universe, i thought of only myself. Just recently, i just realized how selfish I've been. I've been a jackass, and i'm planning to change that once i get back to school next year.

I want a new friend.

But i also don't want to lose my old ones.

I know i'm kinda getting out of the point. :p

Look, the point is- Remember: Others have got it worse than you. Some of them have no friends at all. Some of them have no family at all. Some of them... some of them don't even make it through the day.

It'll definitely take some time.


But you'll recover.

And btw, if you need a good friend, or maybe a little humor brought back into your life; Email me at

Because, you are all my friends- omg, cheesy much. :p


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