Saturday, April 30, 2011









Quote Of The Day...

"We're smiling but we're close to tears, even after all these years."

Friday, April 29, 2011



Wrote It On My Wrist In School...

I miss you so damn much.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Quote Of The Day...

"You say you love me. And I love you too... Just prove that you want me just as badly."

Im dying...

...From these exit wounds. :(

I know I kinda promised not to post anymore emo posts... But I can't help it.. I need help, I agree.

I have wounds, that only SHE can heal... But these wounds... I'm too afraid to stitch them back cause it hurts, but if I leave it bleeding I'll hurt even more.

I miss her.

I love her.

I want her.

My heart is pounding against my chest, and there's so much blood it can lose.

I just can't breath. I want you.

So prove that you want me just as badly...

Exit Wounds

My hands are cold, my body's numb
I'm still in shock, what have you done?
My head is pounding, my vision's blurred
Your mouth is moving, I don't hear a word

And I hurt so bad that I search my skin
For the entry point, where love went in
And ricochet and bounced around
And left a hole when you walked out

I'm falling through the doors of the emergency room
Can anybody help me with these exit wounds?
I don't know how much more love this heart can lose
And I'm dying, dying from the exit wounds

Wounds, where their leaving, the scars you're keeping
Exit wounds, where their leaving, the scars you're keeping

Marks of battle, they still feel raw
A million pieces of me on the floor
I'm damaged goods for all to see
Now who would ever wanna be with me?

I've got all the baggage, drink the pills
Yeah, this is living but without the will
I'm backing out, I'm shutting down
You left a hole, when you walked out, yeah

I'm falling through the doors of the emergency room
Can anybody help me with these exit wounds?
I don't know how much more love this heart can lose
And I'm dying, dying from the exit wounds

Wounds, where their leaving, the scars you're keeping
Exit wounds, where their leaving, the scars you're keeping

Lose your clothes and show your scars, that's who you are
Lose your clothes and show your scars, that's who you are
Lose your clothes and show your scars, that's who you are
Lose your clothes and show your scars

Marks of battle, they still feel raw
A million pieces of me on the floor

I'm falling through the doors of the emergency room
Can anybody help me with these exit wounds?
I don't know how much more love this heart can lose
And I'm dying, dying from the exit wounds

Wounds, where their leaving, the scars you're keeping
Exit wounds, where their leaving, the scars you're keeping
It just hurts like soooo fucking badly. </3

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Quote of the day...

"They say your first kiss has to be perfect. Dramatic sunset, beautiful lighting, alone in somewhere exotic.. But the truth is, as long as you're with that special someone, It will be perfect."








... Okay so now you guys know why I'm damn happy ;)

I guess you can say I'm in absolute love-mode ;D haha ~ <3

Hm.. what is love?

Is love the feeling when you see their picture your heart do flip-flops?
Is it the feeling that you get when they take your first time and you just want to have them forever?
Is it the feeling that when you imagine them not a part of you anymore.. you just wanna die?

Cause that's how I feel for her.

And I have to admit, I'm the very.. jealous type. And when she hangs out with guys, even if it's my friends or hell her brothers (Like friend-brothers), I keep getting jealous. :\\\

And.. well.. I'm just afraid to lose her.. Cause I love her.

Um.. well.. I dont have much to say except random shit like,

OMFG KH HAS BECOME MY WORST AND MOST HATED SUBJECT OF ALL.. even more hated than Geography, imagine that :\

But I those subjects mostly because of the teachers -.- frea-king epidemic.

So that's it for now I guess :)

See y'all's ~


Quote Of The Day...

"I knew what I was getting into. I told myself at the beginning of this relationship that I was going to get hurt. I love her so I didn't care... And when she finally broke it off, I expected it... But that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt."

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Oh em gee I just realized I've forgotten to tell you guys :O

I've broken up with Kichi, sadly :( It was just not working.. especially with the far-distance crap >>;;;

Sooooo yea..





-I'm like so happy ;)

Hahahahaha enough of that emo bullshit :D ~ <3

I am absolutely happy- I feel like I can walk on the cloud ;) hahahah ~

.. But the source of that happiness.. that's the only thing that scares me.. I'm afraid she might be lying...


Please visit my youtube account and check out the new videos I've posted please (: It would be gladly appreciated even if you could just take a small peak ~ <3 hahaha

OH and I y'all if you could tell your friends about it (: You guys are amazing <3 hahaha ~

I need a new phone. :( The one I'm using now is like f-cking insane. >:I

It never receives most of my friend's text. It only receives it like 3 hours later -.-

I need a new one like so f-ing badly. My old one's still confiscated :( I'll only get it back in like.. July or something ~ :O

Uhm, besides that~ Relationships have bloomed :) ALOT. Like my friend's dating my best friend haha :D And i'm kinda taken already ;)

.. I feel so lame.

But yea :D

Okay.. thats it for now. ;)



Saturday, April 9, 2011

I hate...

... this pain ignorant feeling.

Is the world punishing me? .. The only murder I've done so far,

is the one committed to myself.


Loving someone is like jumping off a cliff. Your too afraid to leap but once you do, you just enjoy the wind rushing through your face and hope the impact wont kill you~

Y'know, I just realized. Love sucks. Like badly.

So I've had enough of that crap~ Im gonna focus on my studies.. surprisingly.. my music.. my art.. and all the others C8

Cause as far as I know, love is just another obstacle god gave us to make life more complicated. So I'm just gonna dodge it.. if I can.

Not to say Im gonna totally ignore it, Im still in a relationship and stuff. But considering nothing's happening anyways I'll just let things run its course for now.

Besides that,

C8 Umm. I cleaned my dA inbox, FINALLY. Thank you, god. ;p

And uhh, Sara Bareilles is SUUUUCH a good singer. ;W; I love her songs now~ Especially the one 'Come Round Soon' The beat is like totally catchy.

I've been getting real interested in role-playing too C8

Evelyn, Qai and I have been rp-ing ALL DAMN DAY. Its awesome :D

Besides that,

our class kinda made a teacher cry.

I kinda made teacher cry. Yes, obviously I feel guilty... But im sorry..




Quote Of The Day...

"You know you love them when your chest squeezes and you feel like crying when you see them take interest on one of your friends."

Monday, April 4, 2011

Quote Of The Day...

"I'd rather be who I am. Then be a bully like you to torture who I am now..."


I've been feeling neutral lately~

very lazy. Very. very. very. very. very. very. very. lazy. :\ ..

But neutral C:

Uhm, besides that- I've learned to dodge grenades and shit :D If you wanna know what that means- read the post below this.. though I dont think much of you would understand.. Uhm.. its complicated.

I played paintball for the first time a few days back :D It was my friend's birthday and we went to Suria to celebrate~ Then we played paintball and it was like.. AWESOME 8D I only got hit twice ~ :p

Once in the eye o3o; (I was wearing a mask though, so thank god~) and another time by the arm. But that shot didn't count cause the friend that shot me went over the 'center line'. . . So he was disqualified. (:

Alsoo.. Awkwardness have been dragging me to hell.. not only that, but I've been getting nightmares about zombies and stuff ;W; They scare the shit out of me.

Im a total coward to stuff like that... scary... stuff. -shot-

Besides that, I dont have much to say.. My mum's back from KL (:

So that's good..

I get to tell her everything :D ~

And then she'll listen and hopefully comfort me in some stuff that made me fall for awhile..

A metaphorical leap.. pff.. i fail at those... I never take risks... cause I fail like that..

Okay yea thats it~

Thanks guys. C:


Whatever dirt...

.. you throw at me I will always dodge them.

The only thing you're doing is murdering someone- and that's worse than committing the crime I did.

I am definitely not trying to offend or protest- you have the right to say it and you have the right to be pissed.

But do not spam.

And do not torture.

Cause you're already making me life a living hell..

and that's worse than what I'm doing.