Sunday, April 24, 2011


-I'm like so happy ;)

Hahahahaha enough of that emo bullshit :D ~ <3

I am absolutely happy- I feel like I can walk on the cloud ;) hahahah ~

.. But the source of that happiness.. that's the only thing that scares me.. I'm afraid she might be lying...


Please visit my youtube account and check out the new videos I've posted please (: It would be gladly appreciated even if you could just take a small peak ~ <3 hahaha

OH and I y'all if you could tell your friends about it (: You guys are amazing <3 hahaha ~

I need a new phone. :( The one I'm using now is like f-cking insane. >:I

It never receives most of my friend's text. It only receives it like 3 hours later -.-

I need a new one like so f-ing badly. My old one's still confiscated :( I'll only get it back in like.. July or something ~ :O

Uhm, besides that~ Relationships have bloomed :) ALOT. Like my friend's dating my best friend haha :D And i'm kinda taken already ;)

.. I feel so lame.

But yea :D

Okay.. thats it for now. ;)



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