Monday, April 4, 2011


I've been feeling neutral lately~

very lazy. Very. very. very. very. very. very. very. lazy. :\ ..

But neutral C:

Uhm, besides that- I've learned to dodge grenades and shit :D If you wanna know what that means- read the post below this.. though I dont think much of you would understand.. Uhm.. its complicated.

I played paintball for the first time a few days back :D It was my friend's birthday and we went to Suria to celebrate~ Then we played paintball and it was like.. AWESOME 8D I only got hit twice ~ :p

Once in the eye o3o; (I was wearing a mask though, so thank god~) and another time by the arm. But that shot didn't count cause the friend that shot me went over the 'center line'. . . So he was disqualified. (:

Alsoo.. Awkwardness have been dragging me to hell.. not only that, but I've been getting nightmares about zombies and stuff ;W; They scare the shit out of me.

Im a total coward to stuff like that... scary... stuff. -shot-

Besides that, I dont have much to say.. My mum's back from KL (:

So that's good..

I get to tell her everything :D ~

And then she'll listen and hopefully comfort me in some stuff that made me fall for awhile..

A metaphorical leap.. pff.. i fail at those... I never take risks... cause I fail like that..

Okay yea thats it~

Thanks guys. C:


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