Saturday, April 9, 2011


Loving someone is like jumping off a cliff. Your too afraid to leap but once you do, you just enjoy the wind rushing through your face and hope the impact wont kill you~

Y'know, I just realized. Love sucks. Like badly.

So I've had enough of that crap~ Im gonna focus on my studies.. surprisingly.. my music.. my art.. and all the others C8

Cause as far as I know, love is just another obstacle god gave us to make life more complicated. So I'm just gonna dodge it.. if I can.

Not to say Im gonna totally ignore it, Im still in a relationship and stuff. But considering nothing's happening anyways I'll just let things run its course for now.

Besides that,

C8 Umm. I cleaned my dA inbox, FINALLY. Thank you, god. ;p

And uhh, Sara Bareilles is SUUUUCH a good singer. ;W; I love her songs now~ Especially the one 'Come Round Soon' The beat is like totally catchy.

I've been getting real interested in role-playing too C8

Evelyn, Qai and I have been rp-ing ALL DAMN DAY. Its awesome :D

Besides that,

our class kinda made a teacher cry.

I kinda made teacher cry. Yes, obviously I feel guilty... But im sorry..




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