Wednesday, December 8, 2010

SocialWannabeSays : Red hair ;)

Yes everybody, your Social Wannabe has red hair ;)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

SocialWannabeSays : Taylor Swift straight hair!

Taylor Swift with straight hair- ZOMG!

She looks absolutely gorgeous. o_o Surprisingly even more gorgeous than before!

Taylor Swift is my one time favorite idol! She's my absolute star- And i'll keep cheering and supporting her till' the end!


(Comments? reviews? Tell me what ya' think about the straight-haired Taylor. She looks beautiful, though.)


First picture?


Cause i am >D -shot-

Okay, i guess i need a picture for this blog anyways. Not really a good one, but a possible one. So the lyrics is actually the first part of 'Love the way you lie part 2' by Rihanna ft. Eminem. C:

So enjoy, guys.

(P.s. Your Social Wannabe looks weird :p -shot-)


SocialWannabeSays : Betrayal.

I dont even know why people do it. I barely know why it exists.

Betrayal, hurts- Even if you deserve it...

I myself, had a betrayal of my own- and it's messing me up; It's been giving me mental breakdowns, it's been keeping me from seeing the real world, it's been pulling me in from what's right in front of me just because i thought that i didn't have any friends.

But i just realized. The whole world's my friend. So what the shit if your best friend turns into your enemy? You got other friends, and if you don't have other friends, you have your family, and if you don't have family- Well, what the shit, why are you even reading my blog? :o (Dude, find a guidance counselor or something. :p)

Betrayal hurts as if a freaking bomb dropped out of the sky and destroyed your whole life- but no. You can change that. Betrayal doesn't have to hurt if you move on fast enough to leave it behind.

It definitely takes time to move on.

But once you have, you'll feel the best you ever had.

Y'see for me, betrayal is the worse thing that could ever happen to a person. A friend i thought i could trust betrayed me- badly. I found something that shook my world like a storm (Not in a good way).

And i felt as if i couldn't breath. I felt so bad that i thought i would rot just like that. But you know what snapped me out of it?

Movies (Surprisingly, lol).

Everything in my freaking universe.

In my universe, i thought of only myself. Just recently, i just realized how selfish I've been. I've been a jackass, and i'm planning to change that once i get back to school next year.

I want a new friend.

But i also don't want to lose my old ones.

I know i'm kinda getting out of the point. :p

Look, the point is- Remember: Others have got it worse than you. Some of them have no friends at all. Some of them have no family at all. Some of them... some of them don't even make it through the day.

It'll definitely take some time.


But you'll recover.

And btw, if you need a good friend, or maybe a little humor brought back into your life; Email me at

Because, you are all my friends- omg, cheesy much. :p


SocialWannabeSays : Crushes.

The reason people get crushes is because you always get crushed by it.

Sure, the chances of your crush liking you back are 50/50. But sometimes the odds are 20 to a 100, and you're just too afraid to admit it.

The whole point of liking someone is to confess. And if you're too 'afraid' of even confession, then screw you (No offense intended).

I mean, get a life.

You're obviously gonna get scorched up in your little obsessed afraid hole and never come out. If you really have a crush on that person, you'll have the balls to confess whether or not you'll get crushed.

The whole point of liking someone is so that the person can know you feel that way- and possibly feel that way right back.

I had an opportunity of a lifetime to confess, but i didn't (Not). Well, okay... i did- to this girl i really like. Twice, actually. But obviously, she didn't feel the same way. And after two years, I've seen her go out with douches as guys- and still she didn't bother to look my way.

But you know what, i don't regret confessing. Cause it's the best thing that i have ever done. At least now, whether she hates or likes me... i know that she knows that i like her. And that's better than keeping it all to myself, it's so much damn better.

So my advice, if you're having a major die-hard crush out there, is to confess. Whether you do it with a secret note, an email or even just face-to-face (Which i find really risky, but good for you!) you have to confess.

Because honestly, i still think there's hope with this girl. She knows who she is, so whoever she likes now is the lucky jackass.

Merry Christmas to you all. :p


Saturday, December 4, 2010

Life Unexpected

That series is EPIC. C: No really, it is.

I mean, I honestly think Lux is pretty- but also really stubborn and... bad tempered. I also not like her boyfriend, Bug (Dude), because... well, i dont have a reason for not liking the guy with the spider-tatoo on his neck.

Besides that, my comments for this series are all good ones. This series is-

Epic, funny, sensible, dramatic- All the things i think a good drama show should have. Not only does it have high school drama, but grown-up drama too and i respect that.

So i was half expecting a yuri (Look the word up) genre to be in it too. But as always, of course not. If ya' guys didn't know- I absolutely adore yuri.

... No comment. C:

So yeah, that's it. If you guys haven't watched Life Unexpected, i genuinely encourage you to. :p So thanks.


Monday, November 29, 2010

SocialWannabeSays : im bored. Xp

Heyy guys,

I'm at a party now. But problem is, boredom is my only friend here. My mum coincidentally told us that my uncle's having a party at his rock-climbing place (btw, yes I rock-climb C:) where a party is going on.

Turns out, the party is basically a few 20+ people -friends, families and workers- gathered here. My mum had to like, run off to her dancing class. Now she' here, after an hour and a half. Bell (my annoying older sister) is with my cousin, gossiping and whatever, with Rus
s (my dog). While I'm sitting alone with a pink-covered phone (Bell's blackberry) and a new book that I find really interesting.

So I'm bored, as I said. I practically went to fb more than 50 times, and tried to sort out my messages on dA, but Bell's blackberry isn't that much fun. Sooo...

That's is I guess. Bye. C:


Friday, November 26, 2010

The Walking Dead

OMG, the series is EPIC.

When i saw Lori cheating on the main character guy, i instantly went pissed. I know, she thinks he's dead and all but seriously.


OMG, the girl died! The girl that i totally forgotten the name of died! The younger sister to that blond girl- DAMNIT. I kinda liked her :( She was epic, and so was the sister.

Damn, it scared me when suddenly all the zombies appeared out of nowhere and started attacking the people. Then suddenly Jim was like, 'I remember my dream now.'

DUDE. Remember things better and start savin' lives!

And seriously, he can dream the future? That's epic- Cliche, but EPIC. >)

*End of Spoiler*

Okay, I find the series very frightening and scary because every night after i watch it i imagine what it's like to be in a zombie apocalypse- with all them zombies trying to kill you. -shudder-

SO yeah, not much to say now except that if you haven't watched the series, i definitely suggest you to go watch it - because it is EPIC, but scary. C: -shot-


First Post

Yeah, so just recently i've been watching people go on tumblr and facebook and decided 'why not take another chance at blogger?'

Why? Because i get bored occasionally and need something to type about, and in this case- It's my life.

So refer to me as your... humble little story-teller. Hopefully my posts aren't gonna be boring. So my first post, what should i blog about? Hm..

How about my top favorites? I know it's lame, but you came here to learn about me right?

Okay so,

Favorite food : Junkfood - Oh god, im such a glutton.

Favorite songs : Rnb - probably some that are bsang y Taylor Swift CX

Favorite drinks : Cocoa? - Dont mind on the drinks.

Favorite TV Show : OMG, so many. Uh, Glee, How I Met Your Mother, 90210, Gossip Girl, and just way too many - They all ROCK.

Favorite anime : Any that contains yuri in it- Yes im a yuri fan- OH and K-On! <3 -shot-

Favorite quote : I have alot of quotes. But If i really have to choose one, then 'You have to love to be loved' ..... Yeah C:

Favorite word : 'Passion' - I know right Xp

Favorite fictional character : Barney from HIMYM - Whaddup! Xp

Favorite catchphrases that annoy the heck outta old people : Damn straight! Hells yeah! - Im such a cliche. Xp


And i guess that's it 8D -shot again-

Bye ~ !
