Tuesday, March 29, 2011




Sorry Im random at the moment C8

Anyways~ What's up with my complicating life?

Hm. Let me think.

Oh yeaaaa.

I am so damn funny. :D -shot-

Okay, not im just being weird, awkward and annoying (Why awkward? I have no idea)


Oh yea, my sister's coming back in like... 8-ish days :D I guess you could say I'm happy ~

I mean, I couldn't tease and hit anyone when she was gone. :\

But shh- dont tell her. :p

Anyways, I've been getting hell'a lazy. I've been avoiding drawing and writing, concentrating on my singing slash sleeping.

I like sleeping. It's nice. My bed's comfy. My room's cold... Its nice. (: -shot-

Yea besides that,

I gotta admit Maroon (from a few posts back) is REALLY pretty.

Dont think I like her though- cause that's not my style at ALL. I dont like people when Im in a relationship :p

Ouhh~ No wait.. you guys know already. -sighs- I was about to say I got a new haircut cause apparently thats all I ever talk about these days :p But then I realized I told you guys already. Damnit. :\

But I guess thats it.
So any questions you can just type at that shout-mix box place thingy and I'll hopefully reply. C:

Keep posted for more crazy and weird posts~


Quote Of The Day...

"Losing someone leaves a hole in your heart. But as the saying goes, 'It'll heal by time'. And with a little comfort from someone. Never regret your friends. Even if they're mean to you sometimes. At least you got someone to share life with."

Monday, March 28, 2011

Any suggestions...

... for good songs that I can cover? I need more videos on my youtube account ~

Got A New Haircut ~


Saturday, March 26, 2011

I was so damn emo...

...And I'm sorry because of it 8D;

But you can't help me. I have to like... tell my feelings to someone/something/some... stuff.

And you know what, I felt better after that. I could sleep.

But to be honest I'm feeling very lazy to type so I'll do it later 8D;


Quote Of The Day...

"If I have to name one thing that I hate of you, it's that you're playing waaaay too hard to get."

Monday, March 21, 2011

Quote Of The Day...

"Every good day HAS to have a bad event- cause there is no such thing as a perfect day."

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Quote Of The Day...

"Through my years in life, I learned three things- Never go into a bathroom that's located in a room full of people. Never leave your computer running with private information (coughcough). And lastly, do NOT ever try to force yourself into love. You're just going to hurt yourself and the person who truly loves you."

Friday, March 18, 2011


As the title implies, I'm feeling like BLEH.

I know I'm s'pose to be happy on my girlfriend and father's birthday but I don't know, I just feel out of whack. Beat-down. Torn-apart. Stabbed. All that stuff.

Half of that probably leads to the yuri anime I've been totally addicted to watching, Kannazuki no Miko. It is amazing. And I just LOVE one of the main character~ Chikane Himemiya.

Speaking of favorite characters- I've made a list of all my Favourite Fictional Characters:

And it goes down like this,

-Chikane Himemiya (Kannazuki no Miko)
-Barney Stinson (How I Met Your Mother)
-Blair Waldorf (Gossip Girl)
-Brittany S. Pierce (Glee)
-Aphrodite La'Fonte (House Of Night)

And some other random things.


I know I should be thankful and everything but there is something crazily wrong with me. . . It's like there's a huge, burning ball of hatred inside of me and I-

I just can't get rid of it.

But besides that, I'm sleeping so late everyday that I'm not gonna be surprised If I suddenly turn 50-years-old tomorrow. I gotta start getting my life in check. But that's hard if the person you love only gets on from like.. 8/7 PM to 3 AM. Depends on what day it is.

Look, I'm definitely not blaming this on her- I love her. As much as life itself. It's just-

This doesn't feel real. To be honest with you. This relationship.. It's like I'm dreaming.

Some part of me wants to get back to reality yet the other part wants to remain constant. I just- I want to prove to myself that I'm not dreaming. But how can I do that when wherever I turn to it's like reality has disappeared.

This week's holiday was supposed be like.. a stress-relief for me. But coincidentally it just added more stress into my mundane life.

I need help. And call me old-fashioned if you want but I need my mum. My mum was my cure. My mum was my help. I tell my mum everything. And she understood.

Yet now she's at India for 2 weeks.. well, she's coming back this Saturday (19th March) but still~

I miss her so.

.. Yea I'm that lame.

But seriously, I can't take this anymore. I need a break from the computer. I need a break from dreaming and turn back to reality.

You'd think It was the other way around but somehow my life now,

It's as if I'm walking on a cloud. I'm nervous, I'm scared and I certainly don't want to look down. . . .

I want to exit that cloud and continue walking on solid land. On reality. Cause to be honest, dreams hurt.


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Crap. My shoulders hurt..

.. Like hell. o_o;;

I'm starting to really like blogger now C8 -shot-

Okay, as .. some of you may notice (Reason I say 'some' is because not many people read my blog) my recent and most latest blog post is totally emo. Reason for that was well.. I was feeling emo at that time, and rather lonely.. and I was suffering through post-traumatic stress.. Though I do not know what that means it sounds cool so I'm just going to leave that there-

BUT. I'm really okay, to be honest. Russ hasn't been much help.. (Russ is meh dog, btw o3o;) .. Considering all he has been doing is sleep.. and bark at me when I try to take his chew toy away. . . . That dog plays dirty. >>

.. YEAH ANYWAYS. I dont mind people not reading my blog (well actually I do) but the reason I really love to write is because... well it feels nice to finally let go of these words C:


I really don't know what to say now so I'll just leave it at that. C:

See y'alls~


Quote Of The Day...

"Somehow, Someway- I am going to rip that innocent mask of yours and reveal to the world how tainted your heart has become."

Pictures :)

Me.. Because I like photos. C8

Lookit what my beautiful, talented and epic girlfriend drew. :D
Left= Kichi (her) Right= Mokey (me)

(P.s. those are our nicknames)

Today's Update~

Nothing much happened today.

I've just been feeling down in the slumps lately. :|

Like I said in the last... one hundred posts (pfst yea right), I HATE far-distance relationship. -____-

I dont know what to do. Guys, you HAVE to help me. Whoever spots this blog, you HAVE to help me. I'm begging you! This is killing me. Seriously, it is.

I mean. I want this girl. But I just can't plant my flag down onto the moon and keep waiting for the rocket to land- and with that metaphor I'm meaning I can't wait for her to go online on Skype forever.

I really, really feel something for this girl. I love her. But-

This is just too complicating. Plus up every single detail that's been going on in my dramatic otherwise okay life, I've been holding up pretty good lately.

No tears were wasted so far- Thank god. And no screams, shouts or punches were thrown. So yea. That's good too.

I am NOT emo. I mean, I don't want to be. And I'm not! I don't cut myself and cry myself to sleep every night. That's just not me. That USED to be me. But I've changed. I changed, I swear!

But the drama in my life is still there! The lies, the secrets and the.. the hurt will always remain there... As long as those painful memories are there my heart will always be 'tainted'.

Many of you may not like me,

But I do not want that. I want people to like me. Because .. Looking down to what I have in my hands now, I'll need all the friends I can get to get through this year. Even if those friends are a thousand miles away. I need them.

I'm starting to type very emo-ly. So I'm just going to skip ahead,

Just came back from Keningau today. For some reason when I was going to Keningau, I was reading smoothly in the front seat of the car. But when I was going back from Keningau, I was really nausea and nearly puke- So I had to like.. TRY to sleep in the back seat of the car.

It .. was .. HORRIBLE.

But the good thing is,


And second off, I really need to change my blog template/background. :\ My sister used to know how to, and she literally made my blog look genius!

But now she's forgotten (Considering she hasn't used blogger in a LONG time) and I'm just left with this sad, simple template.

Please don't judge me.


I LOVE How I Met Your Mother SO DAMN MUCH. It seriously brought me up and shook me back to my feet. Without that awesome series, I wouldn't have survived anything! Seriously! I love it so muchh !

And the bloopers that some people posted on Youtube~ ? INGENIUS. I literally laughed my ass off!

God, I love the cast! They're so awesome! You do NOT know how much I want to be in that EPIC show. :p

But yea,

I guess that's it for my 'update'.

So uh.. enjoy guys. C:


Monday, March 14, 2011

Quote Of The Day...

"Something I hate worse than someone standing up to me. Is someone who's too cowardly to stand up to me and instead talks behind my back."

So I decided to post a quote daily. Hopefully I'll keep up to that promise. (:

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Drama. GOD.

Annoying bitch. Drama.. is an annoying and bitchy ass. Drama is almost as worse than Karma!

Well. Not true. Okay, 50/50- Maybe if you add like, heartbreak to the drama an-

Okay the point is, I absolutely HATE drama now. Sure, it adds spice to your lives. But It also creates storms and hurricanes. Like just recently,

I found out one of my most trusted friend in the whole entire universe.. is a mother f*ucking FRAUD.

.. That sonofabitch.

I'm not mentioning names, obviously. -rolls eyes-

It's just so f*cking hard for me to think this through. And I just hope that the person .. learns their lesson somehow. I just really want them to.. suffer, what I'm suffering...

Besides that, I'm feeling pretty good actually.

I mean- How I Met Your Mother has been my remedy to that annoying friend-breakup crap. Ouh and my girlfriend is like.. so damn helpful.

Not only that, but I finally had the guts to say I love you out loud AND be the first one to say it. . . C'mon guys, that's a big improvement from typing down 'I love you too <3' all the time.

I actually said it and you know what, I feel good about it.

It was.. kinda awkward after that though.. I remembered .. a silence. . . then some awkward stares... and then yea, goodbyes.

So anyways,

Drama sucks.

I hope it rots in hell.

Not true.

I like drama... I'm weird like that.

.. I am bad at giving advice but here's one thing I encourage y'all to do-

Do NOT take what you have for granted.. because seriously, if you're reading this now then you're one hell of a lucky bitch. Because, c'mon - That Tsunami that struck Japan has gotten everyone worked up.

And if you're alright and breathing, then hell you're the luckiest person alive.

I'm praying (Or trying to) everynight that nothing'll happen to me. Hopefully I'll.. be alright for these next few years. . I want my death to be peaceful.

Like, I wanna live till' I'm Eighty or something.. I wanna lose my first kiss to the person I love.. I wanna hug someone and tell them that I love em' (Youknowwhoyouare-Kawink-) and I wanna become an actor. Sell a comic book of mine. Manage to talk to Taylor Swift or something- There are just SO MANY things I wanna do and I'm only 12.

So I dont know, I just- really want to .. live on. Be epic the way I am.

Besides that,

I am so grateful for the week's holiday. I've never been so grateful before.

I really cannot face that person that I've said betrayed me in such ways unimaginable- I would EXPLODE. Seriously.

My best friend's been a real help though. So that's good. Peace to you, man~

And I hate far-distance relationships.

.. Yeah that's it.

Thanks guys and enjoy the week and good luck with y'all lives.


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Yeah I dont know why...

... I post these random shit anyways If people aren't even gonna look at them.

Not just that.. But I'm starting to feel really cheesy, corny and not to mention lame with these weird and crazy posts of- weirdness.

I have no idea what I'm talking about right now because I'm just REALLY confused about stuff-

Like... what the hell are blogwalkers? Or blogrunners? Or blog... something~ My friend had a ton of them. . . And all I got was two people and a random guest that said 'gay' on my profile (Bitch, get a life).


Whut the hell is wrong with stupid far-distance relationships. It's 2011, for god's sake! By now they should've invented these devices that teleports you from some shitty place to like... the Caribbeans or something.

Okay, I'm being a little melo-dramatic~

But seriously. What is with this. I hate it. It's killing me. Especially with the damn time zones and the damn "I'm not able to see you until holidays and my parents let me go cause I'm actually a stripper in disguise working in a not-so-fancy bar and-"...

Okay I got carried away. I'm a little emo slash hyper right now. And that's freaky.

No- Okay, uhh-


I hate this far-distance thing. I want to see this girl. But the damn airlines cost too much and lengths too long... Plus my parents'll kill me.

Besides that,

I think I'm getting an Appendix or something. It's either or... or I'm just imagining this... Naw, I'm crazy like that.

I need a phone.

My phone got confiscated, believe it or not...

This sucks.

So that's it for today. . .

I know you guys would wait to jump out of your lame lives so you can come into my awesome one, but puh-lease ~ Wait in line, asses.

When I say 'you guys' yes I'm talking about that one slob and two of my friends that I dont think even checks my blog anyways. . . .

So sadly,


-Loser Alert, Kyle.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Social Wannabe says : Secrets

Secrets are kept by everyone. Even the kindest of a person have secrets. Even the richest and purest of the heart may hold within a dark past. Everyone has secrets. And one way or another, everyone gets hurt by them.

Secrets hurt people. And either way secrets will hurt. If you hold it in and keep it from others- Once they find out about it, it's all downhill for you. BUT if you tell them the secret, there's a 80 percent chance that it will turn out in the wrong hands. So either way pain will emerge.

A secret can be dark, or exciting or even really painful. But every secret has always hurt someone. Any secret, always someone.

Many people have lied to protect a secret. Many people have paid the price for it. Many people has hurt because of it. Either way, secrets hurt people. And that's why drama was formed.

I have hurt... pretty much a lot of people with my secrets.

Like this girl Kichi,

our whole relationship have been addressed on a secret. A secret that may have sabotaged us.

She knows now,

thanks to a certain person.

But y'know, I'm kinda grateful. She accepted me and since then I couldn't have loved her more.

It was a big secret. A huge lie.. and a painful misunderstanding. But all in all,

She was glad I told her- but disappointed I didn't tell her earlier.

So secrets, once again, hurt many people.

That's it for my research. As far as I know, you guys all know this information already. But keep posted, I'll post something that'll blow your mind. You will find out the history of secrets. The ways it turned. And how many people have been hurt by it.

So make the right decision. Hopefully you wont be in that list of hurt people.. But I doubt it.

Lots Of Luck,

-Social Wannabe, Kyle.