Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Today's Update~

Nothing much happened today.

I've just been feeling down in the slumps lately. :|

Like I said in the last... one hundred posts (pfst yea right), I HATE far-distance relationship. -____-

I dont know what to do. Guys, you HAVE to help me. Whoever spots this blog, you HAVE to help me. I'm begging you! This is killing me. Seriously, it is.

I mean. I want this girl. But I just can't plant my flag down onto the moon and keep waiting for the rocket to land- and with that metaphor I'm meaning I can't wait for her to go online on Skype forever.

I really, really feel something for this girl. I love her. But-

This is just too complicating. Plus up every single detail that's been going on in my dramatic otherwise okay life, I've been holding up pretty good lately.

No tears were wasted so far- Thank god. And no screams, shouts or punches were thrown. So yea. That's good too.

I am NOT emo. I mean, I don't want to be. And I'm not! I don't cut myself and cry myself to sleep every night. That's just not me. That USED to be me. But I've changed. I changed, I swear!

But the drama in my life is still there! The lies, the secrets and the.. the hurt will always remain there... As long as those painful memories are there my heart will always be 'tainted'.

Many of you may not like me,

But I do not want that. I want people to like me. Because .. Looking down to what I have in my hands now, I'll need all the friends I can get to get through this year. Even if those friends are a thousand miles away. I need them.

I'm starting to type very emo-ly. So I'm just going to skip ahead,

Just came back from Keningau today. For some reason when I was going to Keningau, I was reading smoothly in the front seat of the car. But when I was going back from Keningau, I was really nausea and nearly puke- So I had to like.. TRY to sleep in the back seat of the car.

It .. was .. HORRIBLE.

But the good thing is,


And second off, I really need to change my blog template/background. :\ My sister used to know how to, and she literally made my blog look genius!

But now she's forgotten (Considering she hasn't used blogger in a LONG time) and I'm just left with this sad, simple template.

Please don't judge me.


I LOVE How I Met Your Mother SO DAMN MUCH. It seriously brought me up and shook me back to my feet. Without that awesome series, I wouldn't have survived anything! Seriously! I love it so muchh !

And the bloopers that some people posted on Youtube~ ? INGENIUS. I literally laughed my ass off!

God, I love the cast! They're so awesome! You do NOT know how much I want to be in that EPIC show. :p

But yea,

I guess that's it for my 'update'.

So uh.. enjoy guys. C:


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