Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Crap. My shoulders hurt..

.. Like hell. o_o;;

I'm starting to really like blogger now C8 -shot-

Okay, as .. some of you may notice (Reason I say 'some' is because not many people read my blog) my recent and most latest blog post is totally emo. Reason for that was well.. I was feeling emo at that time, and rather lonely.. and I was suffering through post-traumatic stress.. Though I do not know what that means it sounds cool so I'm just going to leave that there-

BUT. I'm really okay, to be honest. Russ hasn't been much help.. (Russ is meh dog, btw o3o;) .. Considering all he has been doing is sleep.. and bark at me when I try to take his chew toy away. . . . That dog plays dirty. >>

.. YEAH ANYWAYS. I dont mind people not reading my blog (well actually I do) but the reason I really love to write is because... well it feels nice to finally let go of these words C:


I really don't know what to say now so I'll just leave it at that. C:

See y'alls~


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