Thursday, March 10, 2011

Yeah I dont know why...

... I post these random shit anyways If people aren't even gonna look at them.

Not just that.. But I'm starting to feel really cheesy, corny and not to mention lame with these weird and crazy posts of- weirdness.

I have no idea what I'm talking about right now because I'm just REALLY confused about stuff-

Like... what the hell are blogwalkers? Or blogrunners? Or blog... something~ My friend had a ton of them. . . And all I got was two people and a random guest that said 'gay' on my profile (Bitch, get a life).


Whut the hell is wrong with stupid far-distance relationships. It's 2011, for god's sake! By now they should've invented these devices that teleports you from some shitty place to like... the Caribbeans or something.

Okay, I'm being a little melo-dramatic~

But seriously. What is with this. I hate it. It's killing me. Especially with the damn time zones and the damn "I'm not able to see you until holidays and my parents let me go cause I'm actually a stripper in disguise working in a not-so-fancy bar and-"...

Okay I got carried away. I'm a little emo slash hyper right now. And that's freaky.

No- Okay, uhh-


I hate this far-distance thing. I want to see this girl. But the damn airlines cost too much and lengths too long... Plus my parents'll kill me.

Besides that,

I think I'm getting an Appendix or something. It's either or... or I'm just imagining this... Naw, I'm crazy like that.

I need a phone.

My phone got confiscated, believe it or not...

This sucks.

So that's it for today. . .

I know you guys would wait to jump out of your lame lives so you can come into my awesome one, but puh-lease ~ Wait in line, asses.

When I say 'you guys' yes I'm talking about that one slob and two of my friends that I dont think even checks my blog anyways. . . .

So sadly,


-Loser Alert, Kyle.

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