Saturday, March 12, 2011

Drama. GOD.

Annoying bitch. Drama.. is an annoying and bitchy ass. Drama is almost as worse than Karma!

Well. Not true. Okay, 50/50- Maybe if you add like, heartbreak to the drama an-

Okay the point is, I absolutely HATE drama now. Sure, it adds spice to your lives. But It also creates storms and hurricanes. Like just recently,

I found out one of my most trusted friend in the whole entire universe.. is a mother f*ucking FRAUD.

.. That sonofabitch.

I'm not mentioning names, obviously. -rolls eyes-

It's just so f*cking hard for me to think this through. And I just hope that the person .. learns their lesson somehow. I just really want them to.. suffer, what I'm suffering...

Besides that, I'm feeling pretty good actually.

I mean- How I Met Your Mother has been my remedy to that annoying friend-breakup crap. Ouh and my girlfriend is like.. so damn helpful.

Not only that, but I finally had the guts to say I love you out loud AND be the first one to say it. . . C'mon guys, that's a big improvement from typing down 'I love you too <3' all the time.

I actually said it and you know what, I feel good about it.

It was.. kinda awkward after that though.. I remembered .. a silence. . . then some awkward stares... and then yea, goodbyes.

So anyways,

Drama sucks.

I hope it rots in hell.

Not true.

I like drama... I'm weird like that.

.. I am bad at giving advice but here's one thing I encourage y'all to do-

Do NOT take what you have for granted.. because seriously, if you're reading this now then you're one hell of a lucky bitch. Because, c'mon - That Tsunami that struck Japan has gotten everyone worked up.

And if you're alright and breathing, then hell you're the luckiest person alive.

I'm praying (Or trying to) everynight that nothing'll happen to me. Hopefully I'll.. be alright for these next few years. . I want my death to be peaceful.

Like, I wanna live till' I'm Eighty or something.. I wanna lose my first kiss to the person I love.. I wanna hug someone and tell them that I love em' (Youknowwhoyouare-Kawink-) and I wanna become an actor. Sell a comic book of mine. Manage to talk to Taylor Swift or something- There are just SO MANY things I wanna do and I'm only 12.

So I dont know, I just- really want to .. live on. Be epic the way I am.

Besides that,

I am so grateful for the week's holiday. I've never been so grateful before.

I really cannot face that person that I've said betrayed me in such ways unimaginable- I would EXPLODE. Seriously.

My best friend's been a real help though. So that's good. Peace to you, man~

And I hate far-distance relationships.

.. Yeah that's it.

Thanks guys and enjoy the week and good luck with y'all lives.


1 comment:

  1. Awesome .. U had been updating ur blog .. Good 4 u :)
    So ... About the drama thing I understand u :) anyways
    Hope u reply bout this comment - michelle ~

    Go visit my blog n comment :
    Thanks anyways !! I appreciate that alot !!
