Tuesday, March 29, 2011




Sorry Im random at the moment C8

Anyways~ What's up with my complicating life?

Hm. Let me think.

Oh yeaaaa.

I am so damn funny. :D -shot-

Okay, not im just being weird, awkward and annoying (Why awkward? I have no idea)


Oh yea, my sister's coming back in like... 8-ish days :D I guess you could say I'm happy ~

I mean, I couldn't tease and hit anyone when she was gone. :\

But shh- dont tell her. :p

Anyways, I've been getting hell'a lazy. I've been avoiding drawing and writing, concentrating on my singing slash sleeping.

I like sleeping. It's nice. My bed's comfy. My room's cold... Its nice. (: -shot-

Yea besides that,

I gotta admit Maroon (from a few posts back) is REALLY pretty.

Dont think I like her though- cause that's not my style at ALL. I dont like people when Im in a relationship :p

Ouhh~ No wait.. you guys know already. -sighs- I was about to say I got a new haircut cause apparently thats all I ever talk about these days :p But then I realized I told you guys already. Damnit. :\

But I guess thats it.
So any questions you can just type at that shout-mix box place thingy and I'll hopefully reply. C:

Keep posted for more crazy and weird posts~


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