Monday, March 7, 2011

Social Wannabe says : Secrets

Secrets are kept by everyone. Even the kindest of a person have secrets. Even the richest and purest of the heart may hold within a dark past. Everyone has secrets. And one way or another, everyone gets hurt by them.

Secrets hurt people. And either way secrets will hurt. If you hold it in and keep it from others- Once they find out about it, it's all downhill for you. BUT if you tell them the secret, there's a 80 percent chance that it will turn out in the wrong hands. So either way pain will emerge.

A secret can be dark, or exciting or even really painful. But every secret has always hurt someone. Any secret, always someone.

Many people have lied to protect a secret. Many people have paid the price for it. Many people has hurt because of it. Either way, secrets hurt people. And that's why drama was formed.

I have hurt... pretty much a lot of people with my secrets.

Like this girl Kichi,

our whole relationship have been addressed on a secret. A secret that may have sabotaged us.

She knows now,

thanks to a certain person.

But y'know, I'm kinda grateful. She accepted me and since then I couldn't have loved her more.

It was a big secret. A huge lie.. and a painful misunderstanding. But all in all,

She was glad I told her- but disappointed I didn't tell her earlier.

So secrets, once again, hurt many people.

That's it for my research. As far as I know, you guys all know this information already. But keep posted, I'll post something that'll blow your mind. You will find out the history of secrets. The ways it turned. And how many people have been hurt by it.

So make the right decision. Hopefully you wont be in that list of hurt people.. But I doubt it.

Lots Of Luck,

-Social Wannabe, Kyle.

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