Thursday, June 30, 2011


Wow its been ages since I've last updated :D

The next post is gonna be pretty long because...


In case some of you don't know, Mount Kinabalu is the HIGHEST mountain EVER in SouthEast Asia. ;) That's right. And I climbed it :D WHADDUP.

It was freakin hard. Even 20 year olds' were giving up during the last stage to get to Mount K. :\

But I didn't yo! :D

I had a splitting headache (like a needle piercing into my head) and a bad tummy but I made it! WOOOO THANK YOU GOD I LOVE YOU <3

So the next post will be all about my trip + pictures ;D

So enjoy :)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

No matter what.

I'm fighting a losing battle to him.

But with a wound in my heart, and with a final raise of my sword.

I will get her.

No matter what. <3


Cause when I look at you, my heart just skips a beat.
Wishing to forget but how can I when I'm trying not to retreat,
Hoping for a better life for you,

I don't care.
I don't care.
If you'll never be with me.
It hurts but,
As long as you're happy,
Stay with that guy. It doesnt matter if its me.
Cause your happiness...
It's all that matters.


Everything bout you.

So... :D

Today, I realized I am absolutely in love.

Shit. Okay, at first, I seriously considered it to be a small crush.

But NONE of my crushes has EVER made my heart skip a beat. EVER. Seriously. I was at the canteen, buying some things with friends, Apple Juice and all that (Whaddup) when suddenly Shereen grabbed my arm and shook her head to my right.

I turned and sure enough, I saw her. Crap. I wish I wouldv'e said hi. But how could I? My heart FREAKING SKIPPED A BEAT. OMG.

It's true.

When I picture your smile... your adorable laugh... your amazing voice, I turn all soft and happy.

That day, I was in a bad-mood. And I was sitting alone on the stairs reading a scary book. I needed to take my mind off of things because,

One of my best friends is ignoring me. Tsk. It's like last year all over again. Those two months when Michelle abandoned me were the most horrifying months of my life. Loneliness.. oh the pain.

Anyways, I was just sitting there being all jiwang and shit. Oh, jiwang means emo.

And my neighbor walked by with two of her friends, Apple and another friend.

Oh geez, my heart was pounding hard. I looked up at my neighbor, and she said some mean things to me. But the only thing I concentrated on was Apple. No, I wasnt staring. -.- That'd be too obvious hehe.

But from the corner of my eye, I was watching her to see if she was looking at me. At first when she saw me, she turned away (ouch lol) but then when my neighbor started to talk to me, she turned to me and looked at me.

Though it was just like a second, I still treasure it.

Cause the chances of her actually looking at me are one in a million.

And um... after that was BM (Bahasa Malaysia; Malay) class, and I was still in a kinda-bad-mood when I took my books from my class. But after awhile, I made jokes and Chloe (A friend) and I laughed and had fun.

Yeah... She did that.

She makes me that happy.

I know it makes me sound selfish... And I know it makes me sound mean and stupid because I've dated quite some people already and yet still claim im in love with Apple. But...

I'm sorry. I can't stop this feeling. And It's eating me inside every single day to know that she won't ever feel the same.
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Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia