Monday, June 13, 2011


Has started. -.- Oh my.

Well, today wasn't THAT bad. I mean, it rained ALOT last night so this morning I didn't sweat in assembly cause of the cool breeze! :D So thank you, God <3 xD

And um... Besides that, MN Idol is on the 24th June. SO NERVOUS. SHYIT. SHYIT. UGH. WHATEVER. DAMNIT.



I'm kinda pissed now. -.-

What you did today was soooo UNCOOL. Like seriously. You're the lamest person in the school for doing it. like wtf. Do you think I'm so freaking blind as to have not seen it? WELL GUESS WHUT BITCH, IM NOT BLIND!


I saw what you did. -narrows eyes-

It's fuckin obvious bitch.

But whatevs. =3= I dont wanna talk about you... bitchcoughcough.


Im havin friendship problems again. -.- UGH. I really dont get why she was so fcking pissy with me. LIKE WTH?! WHAT DID I DO DAMNIT WHAT?!

.. Sorry, got carried away. :(

But seriously. Friendships never last. And it sucks. Cause I love my friends. And if they make me mad or leave me, I do feel pissed but 99 percent of my mind is filled with guilt and sorrow and regret and it HURTS. like... BAD.

Urm, what else should I talk about? Oh yeah, exams! :D .... Nawww.

Skip exam results. They suck anyways. :\ My maths decreased TERRIBLY. SO FREAKING SUCKISH. ;W; UGH.

And um... I wanna go cyber again :( I miss cyber and its sweet, sweet games. UGH. CYBER, WAIT FOR ME. <3

Yeah. That's it.




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