Saturday, June 11, 2011

But I can't have her

A weary drop of manly tear fall onto the ground with a splash. One drop. Then two drops. Soon, the drops starts to overflow amongst the shadowy ground.

How is it that we cry when our feelings get hurt, and we don't stop the tears. But when we physical get stabbed or thrown off, we keep the tears in as a manly gesture. I don't understand why our feelings hurt more than our body.

Is it true that you love him? Do you want him with all your heart? Do you want to tangle your smooth fingers through his thin hair? Do you want his arm hanged around your shoulder? Do you really want all these things with this guy?

You may be in love with him. But I'm in love with you.

You guys have been going out for what, 5 months? But hell woman, the days have been dragging so long it feels as if I've been in love with you for 5 YEARS.

It's not easy being in love with someone who doesn't love you back. If he or she treats you like a sister or brother, it's okay. Because at least they love you that way.

But this girl... She barely even knows I exist. Ever since that rumor got out that I like her, she's been ignoring me. And do you know how much that hurts?!

I guess I deserve it.

Maybe even more so.

But I just,

I just want a chance. A silly little word that'll make my head spin. Three words that'll make my knees wobble. And one kiss, just one is enough, to make my life complete.

Cause this girl,

is like my Juliet to Romeo.

is like my princess to a prince.

She's like my heart to a body.

She's everything and anything I want that someone to be.

But I can't have her

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