Monday, June 6, 2011

Who's Who? :D

Who's gay here? :D



Sorry being random :\

Anyywaayssss. I changed my MN Idol song x)

I want to change it from Superman by Joe Brooks to Hero by Enrique Isglasias.. :D ITS THE MOST TOUCHING-EST AND AWESOME-EST SONG EVAH.

HAH. Im gonna get sick of that song anyways so whatevs, lol.

Um, besides that nothing much goin round today :) Might be goin out with a few friends. Um... Probably.

I don't know why. Being afraid has always been a priority to me. But I never thought I'd be this afraid to talk to her. I mean, it's not like a whimpering cowardly feeling; but more of a 'what if she breaks up with me' type of thing. :\

It feels like the first time when she told me she liked me. UGH. :(

So like... My parents and I were at Bukit Padang this morning, and we were walking to the stairs and we passed many people.

Most of the people were girls, and teenage girls.

You know, I just realized that when you pass a pretty girl and if you keep walking and dont turn back, it means that you guys will never be together. But if you look back and watch them walk away, there is something.

I passed a young Australian girl today. She's not really my type. I mean, she's not PERFECTLY PRETTY but she was kinda pretty. So when I passed her, I turned back and watched her go.

Yes, I turned.


But y'know, after that I just continued on my way to the stairs.

I can't say I felt something. But more on the lines of,

I miss being single.

You see, it's not as if I WANT to be single again. It's just that, I do miss being able to stare at pretty girls.

Call me whatever you want, I'm just human.

But of course, it's not like I LIKE them. Hell, I dont even KNOW them.

So yeah, I still got my eyes on other girls (Not in THAT way) but my heart is still with her.


How depressing. :\



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