Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Wow. Seriously?

You are sooooo self-centered.

I read your blog. Yes. And no, I never said anything bad about you. Yes, at one point I was really pissed at you. And yes, I called you a bitch cause I was pissed.

But I had the right. You broke up with me in a text right after we had gone out. If someone wasn't pissed, I'd be worried. But you said all those things in your blog...

You got your wish. You hurt me.

You may have been faking it. You may have been just 'playing' with everything and all that, but I wasn't. At one point, I really did love you. I liked you alot. And as much as you find the whole thing disgusting or gross, It happened. You had no reason to suddenly 'play' with my love like that. Why did you start it in the first place?

Look, you can think or feel or do whatever you want. It's your life. And I know I'm weak. I know I get hurt easily. I know I can cry cause of what someone would say to me.

But you know if someone were to almost-kill you, I'd step in and take the hit. When we were together, I'd die for you. Say what you want but I was in love.

So thanks for calling me an asshole, thanks for calling me stupid, thanks for calling me dumb, thanks for saying im gay, thanks for every mean thing you've said.

Everyone always told me you didn't deserve me, they would always say "Dude, she doesn't deserve you. Just dump her."

But I didnt. Cause I loved you.

My feelings have changed when you dumped me. Why? Because my bad side got hold of me. I said some pretty mean things that I regret. Cause I know that you did it out of your own good.

Thanks for admitting it was fake.

Oh by the way, in KH room, I saw someone that wrote "*** sucks". And you know what I wrote? I wrote "Your so immature."

I was defending you. I was helping you. Even after the breakup, I wanted to help you.

But I guess you didn't feel the same.

And in music room? I didn't write that. So thanks. I know you won't believe me. It's obvious.

But why would I write something bad about someone when I'm so happy?

I'm happy cause im in love with someone else. She's all I'll ever need no matter what she does.

I never called you a playgirl. It was my friends.

"Some people just told me that there's one time you went home and turn on your songs and punched the wall o.o Cause you wanna be like the actor in the movies? :O OMG -.-"

Thanks for believing rumors cause that never happened. You believed people. That just means what it says.

I never did that. Because one, my hand would hurt if i punched the wall xD

And two, HAHA who would know that? Wow I have a stalker at home :p

Thanks for saying all these stuff. :)

I almost wanted to talk to you at school today, to say sorry. But then my friends told me not to. So I waited. I wanted to do it tomorrow too... But then I read your blog.

So better not :\ Oh well.

Thanks for all the memories. Even though you faked it. Even though you broke my heart. I did love you. And I'm sorry for trusting you.

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