Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Another emo post.. Boo.

What the hell would you do If I died?

Im not jinxing anything. Like hell I'd want to jinx myself. But life is a bitch sometimes. :\

Yes, another emo post. HAH. Get use to them.

Look its not like I'm mad or upset, I'm just really disappointed. And to put it bluntly, tired. I just hate a relationship that's based on a secret and lies.

But I can't do anything about it cause... I can't let her go.. Ever. My heart breaks into half when I think about losing her.

If I ever lost her, it would be the worse thing that has ever happened to me.

Cause meeting her was the best thing that happened to me.. EVER.

She's my source of energy. She's my light. She's my star. She's my heartbeat. She's the reason I get up in the morning. She's the reason I live. She's mine.

And it hurts to wonder if she's ever gonna be the opposite of everything I had just said.

I dont ever want to lose her but,

I feel like she's slipping away. </3

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