Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Just a shoutout ;)

Just a shoutout to all of you who has helped me in the past. You guys mean so much to me. :') Especially my friends now. Just a shoutout and a little story to show you how much you guys are appreciated ~

When I was primary 4, I committed something that some people might say a sin, but my friends accepted me cause of it. Yeah, I was young and I was proud then and people just thought I was going through a 'phase'. But even when I tell them the thing was true, they accepted me and treated me no differently.

When I was primary 5, I transferred to SRS Datuk Simon Fung. :) It's a great school! At first, I bawled to my mum, begging her not to send me there. But on the first day, surprisingly, I was totally excited! Of course, I didnt know anyone and hid at the back. But the girls talked to me and introduced me to one another. :p And after a few days, I already got used to it.

When I was primary 6, a friend and I got into a spat. A big one. She ignored me for a fair 2 months. She didnt even tell me what I did wrong. What's worse, is that she was my best friend. Now the worst part, she turned all my best friends against me. Soon, no one was talking to me. But then a few students approached me, few students that I knew but never actually talked to. We made a group called 'The Social Outcast'. It's an awesome group cause.. well it gave me a sense of togetherness, y'know. :)

After a month, the social outcast started falling apart a little. :\ I mean, we still remained friends but then I got even more emo cause I did miss my best friend. :( I missed her so much. After awhile, another friend and I got really close. :) She's a great friend xD Always so.. happy and not-caring. We shared the same interests, movies and books. :) So then we got real close.

When I was form 1 (this year) at the beginning of the year, I was pretty lost and blur. Considering I was.. different. And on my first day, I didnt see anyone I knew, so I just stayed with my mum as she bought my uniform. Then a friend from SRS came up to me. I wasn't close with her, so yea, but then after the first day we were like best friends! So thanks to her ;D

This is just recent, a few days ago, May 21 Saturday, a few people and I got into a fight. A few people including my best friend and my Juliet. At first it was okay, you know I took the hit and remained calm. But after awhile, with all the obvious statuses, I began to break down. I called a friend of mine while crying (Yes, im weak) and she comforted me.. Well at first I found it awkward, but I didnt pay attention cause I was just SO PISSED.

Then she just told me some stuff I knew was true, but was too sad to pay attention to. After a few hours, I managed to calm down. She helped me. So thank you! :) <3

My friends helped me through so much. It doesnt even have to be recent friends! My old Tadika friends and my old primary school friends? ;) YOU GUYS ROCK. And I love you SO MUCH <3 :D

So guys, thanks :) You helped me through so much.

And just a shoutout to my BEST FRIEND (youknowwhoyouare) even though we fight ALOT (youtendtomakemecry) we're still family ~ ;D


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