Friday, May 20, 2011

Confusing much.

I always feel safe when I'm with you. And though most of the time, you cause me more pain than joy.. I can't let go.

I wish I can rewind to go back to last night.

Last night was one of the safest I felt in quite a long time. But hell, I always feel safe when I'm with you. I couldn't sleep last night cause I was tossing and turning in bed, thinking of you. Everything is about you now. And its killing me because you hurt me a lot of times and everybody keeps asking me to break-up with you but I just cant.

I can't.

My friends often say, Bro's before Ho's. But you're different. You are like that one star in the sky that seems to outshines all the rest. You're like the odd black sheep out of all the white ones. You're different.

But it's so hard because we barely talk. And.. I know we have to keep this a secret but. (for the millionth time) secrets SUCK.

And not only that but I dont think I can cope with seeing you with THAT guy. I HATE him so FREAKING much. I want to MURDER him..

Excuse my violence.

I just don't think this is gonna work out.

And though I'd kill myself for you,

I'm tired of hurting.

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