Sunday, May 15, 2011

Ouh Look, update :D

So another day, another update.

Nothing much to say about today.. except.. like...

Okay, I'm just gonna come right up and say it. 'Apple' has done nothing but ruin my life. I never admitted to anything. Okay, yes at one point when I was single I followed her every step like a lost puppy. And my friends said I was 'in love' with her.

But wtf does love even mean? I don't understand. One minute you'd be flying over clouds, head over heals, dancing over rivers for one person and the next minute you just wanna stab their living heart out and stomp on it in a room full of 18 people to stare and watch..

Look, the point I'm trying to say is. Love is a confusing mechanism that requires a huge effort to fulfill. I may still be young, but that doesn't mean I can't get hurt.

'Apple' is just... another girl. I dont care about her anymore. It's her business. Not mine.


Though I said up there that love is confusing, I know one thing that doesn't confuse me ~ ;)

My love for a certain beautiful Juliet <3

I guess you can say the love has.. deepened.. or heightened. Whatever you wanna call it :)

I just know I love her. Seriously. Everywhere I look, there's her. Everytime I sing a song, I think of her. Everyone I see, they all remind me of her and I just wish so badly that they were her ~

And I know what you're thinking,

"No kyle she's gonna break your heart!"
"Don't do it, you're gonna end up heartbroken!"

Well you shitholes can SHUT. THE. DUCK. UP.

Kidding :D

But seriously, shut up.

.. Yea.

She's not gonna break my heart, guys. Okay, I know at one point in the.. near future something's gonna happen.. maybe... I know it's not gonna last forever (cause wtf lasts forever, right?) but that doesn't mean I wont try~ And Im trying.. and im happy. So leave me alone :p

Hmmm besides that, Michelle and I are friends again.. I thought it was gonna be awkward when I called her.. But it wasn't.. at all :D That's just the way we roll, losers ~


Yea. That's it... maybe.

Okay. Bye. :D



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