Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Look at how I type when Im trying to comfort someone ;)

So for personal reasons, most of the names are gonna be chalked off :) Haha, enjoy xDD


"Im upset. Thats wat. The sweet SC in me is crushed out. And it doesnt help dat barbitch is stuck on my mind"

"Aww :( Dont be like that, sister chuubyyy <3 everyone still loovess youuuu ~ dont be upset. If you're sad, I'm sad too. :("

"well, not everyone. Twitter tells All."

"Gyawwww. Dont be like that.. You still have so much to live for. Friendship/love come and go, but life goes on."

"I shoulda knwn. The deserve each other. Period. No discussion."

"Wait what?"

"Sigh. Twitter. Now."

"I checked. But you didn't mention names or any specific characteristics."

"Cnt be THAT obvious"

"Then just tell me whats going on instead of me wasting my credit guessing... I wantz ta help :("

"1. ***** is wit IT. 2. Ya cnt help, u'll nt be able to rest 4 ya date."

"Owh you have got to be kidding.. That guy's with the slut? How da hell did THAT happen?!"

"I dnt knw, ask the guy WITH the slut."

"Ugh. Society these days. Kay, we can both agree I am definitely not good on the phone. But through text, I can comfort the hell out of ya... hopefully. Anyways, how do you know? Did he tell you? Or did ** or did she tell you?"

"Kind of all 3 at once. My head and eyes exploded"

"Owh dayum. That must suck hell... Well. You know what. Screw them. If you're as strong as I KNOW you to be, you'll grow past it. Just think of them now... as wabbit killers. You wouldn't want to be friends with wabbit killers now do ya?"

1. ** is not a wabbit killer >:(
2. If they're killing 'em, then I'm the wabbit..."

"Okay I never said MB is a wabbit killer. I was talking about the other two. And your not a wabbit! Your a lion. And a lord, for a matter of fact. So keep your head high, show them you don't care and teach them that you can't be messed with. Cause this reaction is exactly what that bitch wants. Keep showing her your weak side and she'll keep doing it."

"Ta do that, I need a wall for my heart. And up til now, ***** was my wall. ** is only the wall to my thoughts."

"Well, then rebuild that wall yourself. if man can make the statue of liberty, you can make that one simple wall that protects the whole system. I'll help you build it back. And so will all your friends."

"Great. Knw where to get the money for 100 boxes of Lego?"

"Hmmm... I'm sure there's a discount somewhere at 1b. Besides, Lego's fall apart way too easily. Use the element of strength and it'll build right back up."

"Ok, checking my box of strenght. Oh look, it's empty. And so are my boxes of happiness and true laughter."

"Well then, we'll help you fill them back in. Like I said before, friendship/love come and go but life goes on. And so will you."

"I'm gonna die?! Holy shit! I'm not married yet!!!"

"HAH. See? Already making sarcastic yet offensive jokes :D that's my sister ~ but seriously, dont worry about it. We're still here. I'm still here :)"

"... I was gonna say sumting very offensive."

.... Yea and then after that she called me and told me something that was actually really offensive. xD HAH. Oh well :p

That's how I comfort someone yaw, the AWESOME way. TEEHEE ~ But seriously, I like typing instead of talking :DD So.. yea that's it. :)

OH btw, there are no typos in this. Those words are exactly how she spelled em' so yeap. :)



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