Sunday, May 22, 2011

So dragging the emo posts aside,

I should smile more.

I mean, life is hard and so far life has done nothing but kick me in the rear, but smiling has been proven to be healthy. And I wanna be healthy so that I could live long. :)

Look, I'm not saying that I've forgotten about the 'drama' that has happened. Because this drama is killing me. It is. But I got no choice. I cant live in sadness forever.

You gotta admit that's true ;)

Anyways, I've talked to a few friends. Uhmm.. They've helped big time. Heh..

They gave me alot of advices, but no matter who I talk to, it always narrows up to the same suggestion.

"Break-up with her."

But how am I supposed to do that when Im still in love with her?! GOD.



I update 24/7. So If I stopped going on fb and stopped replying you. Check my blog. There's bound to be something on this website where.. well, where you'll know what's wrong.

Besides that, I've read your blog.

But I just dont know who to believe.

Everyone tells me you're playing me.

They tell me you dont deserve me.

But with all the crap I've done, maybe this is karma.

Maybe because I chose 'this path' and because of 'who I am', this is my punishment..

Fish you, karma.

But yea... Im so confused right now. I can't even continue my book! That's sad! That is VERY sad. Cause I love writing.. and I cant write now.. grrr..

Besides that, food helps me. :) I ate alot today. Not good.

And because of last night, I skipped gym today. That's right. I SKIPPED GYM TODAY..

THAT IS NOT GOOD. Im gonna stay flabby and not-fit. -_____- Damn me. Damn me bad.

UGH. I dont like this. Because all my siblings are gone, the house is empty and I've become a huge lazy-ass. I've even started LIKING school because at least I walk! That's weird. BIG weird.

Sheesh. I dont even know anymore.

I guess that's it. I want you to call.

I do.

I wanna hear your voice.

I want something to remind that you're still mine.

That you're still here.

And you know what hurts me?

Don't EVER say 'I wish I wouldv'e never have come to MN'

Because that's not true. You may have hurt me but I didn't regret at all..

You coming to MN is one of the best things that has happened to me. So don't say that. Please...



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