Monday, May 23, 2011


My twin is sad. :( When my twin is sad, im sad.. It sucks to read her blog all full of venom. :s

Besides that, a friend and I made up today. We went to .. someplace to study :D Well, we didnt really study to begin with xD She taught me a little bit of Geo. But that barely counts :p After that, we just ate, drank and talk. :)

And after awhile, I had to go home so yea. :p I wanna do it again tomorrow ~ It beats staying at home not studying at all xD Besides, I want Juliet to be there too.. At least I can see her.. And maybe. Talk. :s

So yea.

We're friends again yay ~ :D

Bleh. It was bound to happen. Everytime there's a fight, there's not really a 'im sorry' or 'Its okay, I forgive you'. It just comes.

We had a huge fight last night and now without words, we've forgiven each other. That's called awesome xD

Sigh. I guess words are overrated after all. :) But then again, I fight better with words rather than my fists xD

The problem with her, is that she never replies my text. :( yerrr..
Im awaiting her reply.

Anyways, today's okay I guess. :( Im so scared im gonna fail my Sejarah. I mean, its okay but... I tembak most of them (Meaning, I dont know so I just randomly choose one) And when I say 'most of them' I mean like... 90% percent of the whole paper. -___- UGH.

BM was okay though :p Paper 2 was a little long and hard. :s But paper 1 was satisfying :) So yay ~ xD

Tomorrow I have English (NO PROBLEM HEHEHE) and Geography -___-



You suck.




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