Sunday, May 29, 2011

Owh crap.

I didnt update yesterday...

My baaddd... :(

But who cares anyways. It was only one day. :\

HAH. Anyways,

today mum woke me up at 7. We went to Bukit Padang to run these huge stairs. We went all the way to the top. I couldv'e sworn I fainted for a second in my mind.. Hmm...

Anyways, I was totally out of breath. But I made it. WOO!

And then, we went back got freshened up and we left to Aunty Swan's stable. :) I havent been to the ranch in AGES. I missed the smell of.. horse turd. BUT STILL, the breeze was amazing.

And I really did miss the seaside. And the horses. They seem to have changed... Sorta.

Yeaa. We spent about .. 3 hours there. I spent my time jumping on small rocks and lip-syncing to Cody Simpson's 'On My Mind' while pretending I was in a music video. HAHAHA how lame. :p

After that we went to Langkah Syabas, its a restaurant by the seaside, it's also a resort, and I met up with my old primary school friends :p

Kate Cantwell and her sister Cora. I wasn't really close to them before. But uhm.. Yea at first it was completely awkward, I couldv'e sworn Russ didnt walk around because of the tension but after awhile we talked quite alot. :)

Urmm, her family owns Langkah Syabas so they stay there and yeaaa.

Cora is totally obsessed with Justin Bieber xD I didnt know someone I know could be that obsessed :o Honestly, I was worried~ Haha naww :) I respect her idol. As I have mine ;) TAYLORSWIFTILOVEYOU

Haha yeaaa. :p

After that we went home. We were planning to go a movie (Pirates of the Caribbean, WOOP) But because of laziness and the crazily heavy rain, we decided to postpone it to tomorrow.

Mum kept pestering me to bath.

At the end I didnt.. :D I already bathed this morning. -.- I dont like bathes.. Especially when im tired.. grrrr...

So yea. That's basically it for today :)

No lovey-dovey crap anymore. HAH. A certain SOMEONE doesnt want me to keep talking about her anyways so hell with that.

So byezies :)



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