Tuesday, May 10, 2011

If possible,

My life just got worse. -____________________________-

One of my best internet buddies apparently.. BLEH. I dont know what happened. :(

She deactivated her fb account. Then she just.. said Bye to me on Skype. And I dont know how to reply.

I need all the friends I can get. Even internet ones. And now that I'm pretty sure I lost her,

I'm screwed. But seriously, I have NO hell of an idea what happened. A few hours ago, she was fine. We were video-calling/making jokes. Suddenly it's-- .. it went downhill.

Not only did I get bit by my rabbit, scolded by my parents until I cried, get into a relationship that's killing me, fell in love with someone that will never feel the same way, lost my BEST friend, lost ALOT of internet buddies, found out my other best friend was saying bad things behind my back, get abandoned about 50 times already and get heartbroken all in 3 months, But I also lost my confidence.

I used to be so happy and joyous. I use to amazingly be happy all the time. Now suddenly,

suddenly the world's kicking my behind like it's nothing. And though I know I'm suppose to just hold my head up high and kick the world right back, it's getting harder.

I can't do this alone.

Why is everybody leaving me? </3

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