Friday, May 27, 2011


My mum wants me to start training tomorrow. shit.

For the rest of the holiday, she wants me to get up early to go jogging at Bukit Padang. Fck.. I dont want owh. lol.

She wants me to go.. But I dont want. I have rights. Why does she has to force me?

Uhm.. I dont know what else to say lol.

Im back on dA.. Kinda. I told myself i'd go on more but I've been so lazy and been so distracted with this thing called sleep. Heh. I like to sleep. Im so weird.

But seriously.

I've been ass lazy and I hate it.

I feel like a fat ass. Shit man.

Besides that, exams are over. Yay. fake cheers. lol.

I dont know why.. I feel numb and confused.

Don't know who's side to take. Who's vision to look through. Who's heart to capture. And who's to throw.

I look in the mirror and I stare at my reflection. I see a kid that's totally different from who I want to be. I see brown eyes, when I imagine blue. I see messy black hair, when I imagine cool brown-ish ones. I see a kid that isn't what I want it to be. I see me.

And im okay with it.

The problem is, some people out there aren't.

I dont know why Im talking about this..



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