Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Okay. As you guys can see. Not that much in an okay mood. -.-

This 'relationship' is driving me crazy. Not only does she ignore me, but she's pretending to date someone that is coincidentally her 'friend brother'.

Look, I've put up with TONS of worse bullshit in my life. Like a few days away, my best friend.. turned into 'just a friend'. I used to tell her everything and now.. she's hanging out with a bunch of people that.. that PISS me off.

Besides that,

Most of my friends are.. I don't know. I need a friend that.. I can turn into my best friend. Because so far I've only got 'close friends'. A best friend is a person that you can't really ever hate, or will never go all bad mood on you. So far, I haven't met that best friend yet.

But I haven't met my special someone yet either so wth right?

BLEH. Life sucks sometimes. Especially when it comes to friendship and love.

Love.. is a bitch. It haves you fall in love with someone you dont want, but doesn't let you forget someone you dont want. :\

It's like... wtf. -.-

And friendship is just--- It's just UGH. I've put up with alot of crappy things over my life (credits to my best friend -.-) But that doesn't mean when you throw crap at me I'll take it.



By the way, just a little sidenote: If you can lie, If she can lie, If my best friend can lie RIGHT TO MY FACE. Then so can I.

I hate lying, I really do. Whenever I lie, I twitch and flinch and feel SUPER guilty. But sometimes you piss me off. And sometimes to save my sorry ass, I have to lie. So deal with it, BITCH.

.. Besides that, exams aren't healthy.

Because of exams, a 'certain person' can't go online cause she has to study and all that. And because she can't go online, she wont be able to see the message I've sent her. And because she wont be able to see the message, she can't reply a certain message. And because she can't reply,
I won't know her answer. And because I wont know her answer, I'M DYING. :(

... Yea. I don't have anything to write anymore. Soo...

Byezies ~ :p


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