Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Difference Between Trust and A Lie

Trust is something we all need to earn. It's not something we buy, and it's not something we just come up with through thin air. Trust needs to be earned from the heart, anywhere else is considered a lie. A bald-face, deep-untruth LIE.

A lie is something I freaking hate. So if you're going to lie to me and If I find out, you're screwed. I'm gonna shove your face so deep in the ground you'll see HELL. You see, lies are meant to keep someone from getting hurt. But the reality of getting lied to right in the face hurts like fuck.

Not only that, but lies are like the truth but told differently. Completely different. Okay, I'm not making sense anymore.

The difference between the truth and a lie is that, the truth hurts more- but a lie stings and stains your history forever.

I had a relationship based on a lie. It ended soon after she found out. It wasn't heartbreaking, but more of a relief.

I have nothing else to say..


Try your best to not lie. Yes, eventually a lie will slip. But just try not to. It's better.



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