Sunday, May 29, 2011

Update for yesterday :)

Twin yesterday was so freaking fun ! :D

"Just because we're not together doesnt mean we can't have fun."

I love your words there, twin ;) Always the smart one :p Hahahaha ~

Imma miss you while you're gone :( Make sure to come back again, aights? :D

First we went to KK Times Square, cant remember what time :) and we went to our special 'the place' and we totally rocked it out bro/twin style! xD

God, i miss our awesome times.

After that we just walked and we went to a movie :) <-- This was on Friday btw.

On Saturday, we just stayed at her dad's holiday shack up in the mountains :p We totally got wasted! xD At night she and I plus my parents went to watch a movie :) Since she was leaving the next day (and since it was so last minute) we just decided to keep the group small.

I wanted to invite my other friends but I didnt want to bother them. :\ And besides I didnt think my parents would be happy. They only let my twin join because her parents had asked my parents to help take care of her xD HAHAHA you're so lame twin.


Imma miss you twin :)

And hopefully you'll come back one day :D



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