Thursday, May 19, 2011


Hahhhaa I'm so emo :D

No but seriously, my posts are getting a bit too emo. Hehehe.. sorry.

Im just really emotional okay?!

Fck, I dont like people somtimes :D SO DEAL WITH IT.

I sound scary.

Aaaanyways, sister chubby is mean. :( She hanged up on me because I wont 'fake snore' -.- Like.. wtf. Hehehehe. Conference calls are funny.. But we tend to get mixed up with each other's voices. So.. thats confusing. :p


Im so random.

Enjoy this posts, guys. Cause im hyper and its rare to find me this happy often :DD

I ROCK -shot-

Okay, Im so weird.

But seriously.

Im so weird.


Im scaring myself. OKAY BYE




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