Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I love you so much it hurts

It does hurt. Somewhere deep in my heart, the possibility of losing you kills me.

But pushing that aside, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH OMG <3 <3

Seriously, I feel like I'm gonna explode. :O Today was amazing. Not only because I finally got to be able to leave the house (WOOP) but also because I got to see you ~ <3 And your face when I gave you that gift, SO. CUTE. <3

Miss you like so muuuch <3 <3 I never thought I could love someone this much xD ~ TEEEHEE

Okay, kinda hyper right now ;) BUT SERIOUSLY. Love. Love. Love. Love. LOVE you so much <3

Besides that ;D

Secrets SUCK. Seriously. I dont understand the concept of love anymore. Isn't love suppose to be so powerful that you dont care who knew? I mean yes, it causes bad and painful rumors and glares but that doesn't mean life is easy. No one said it was going to be easy.

And its freaking hard. That's why Im willing to give my life away to you. I swear, I am willing to DIE for you. The question is, are you willing to sacrifice everything for me?

So yea.. :) This is basically an awkward.. bored.. post. :D OKAY BYEZIES



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