Thursday, May 26, 2011

Shit.. I didnt

update yesterday. Crap. Im sorry. I fell asleep. And before that, I was still a little.. mind-bloggled. LOL. no such word. OH WELL.

Okay anyways,

Im having doubts. Doubts on what, you ask? Well, If I say it it'll be too obvious. But I'm just having alot of doubts. Imma be using big words ;)

You always hang out with said paramour and what makes me non-jubilant is that truthness of the fact that you and your paramour are best jubilant when said paramour and yourself are .. equivalent. It's said everywhere that you and your paramour are mighty jubilant when equivalent. And I dont want you to not be jubilant, so be it.

Okay, the point is. I entertainingly capture the stuff you piece up and I kinda get a hint that you might be piecing up about some other paramour. Which is sad. lol.

Yea.. I fail at this.

OKAY. But seriously, imma sorry for not updating.

The problem with me is, two days im active, the other five days im dead. HAHAHA. I fail like that. I should stop talking now.

LOL I went to Amir's (A friend) house today. :p We watched like.. quarter of this movie called Forest Gump or something like that. It's a good movie :D Imma download it xD

Then after that, when his mum left, he quickly changed to an XBox game xD Its called Dead Rising 2. :D EPICNESS.

You're able to chainsaw some zombies! LOL :D And you're even able to throw a magazine at them hahahaa. That's stupid.

Yea.. That's basically all. :\

Oh yea, exams are over :D Well, not really.. tomorrow got Art exam xD BUT THATS IT. AND I RAWK AT ART. HAHAHAHAA. Naw im joking. :) BUT SERIOUSLY.





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